December 2009, one fine morning I ,Sunita Patro aged 54 years bent to open a drawer in the kitchen, a normal regular activity, and I felt a sudden mild click kind of feeling in my lower back. Next few days were spent in pain in and stiffness, considering it tobe sprain. But it did not subside. Later , a visit to a doctor and an MRI confirmed Disc Prolapse at L3 L4, in simple terms disc slip. It took a strict regimen of rest, medication and physiotherapy to come out of it in 4 months. But it did not go away completely. Life was never the same as pre December 2009. Inspite of taking all the precautions of not lifting weights, squating, not bending forward, this pain and muscle spasm would keep recurring atleast 2-3times in a year. The only way out was physiotherapy followed by low back exercises which for some reason or the other I would forgo.
Life kept moving like this till 2019,August when I met Ritu Malhotra, Founder , Yogritu. After a thorough discussion I joined Yogritu.
To begin with Ritu welcomed me with a huge warm heart. And the asans and pranayams were tailor made for me. Each day, with gentle,tender baby steps I started moving in my new journey of Yoga. Each day being a new learning and a challenge due to my additional issue of chronic migraine. It’s now almost a year that I am with Yogritu and certain changes are phenomenal.
With the customised asans and pranayams on a daily basis, today I am able to squat on the floor, the trauma of muscle spasm and pain in my back reduced by almost 80% , and as an when it has happened it has been taken care of by Yoga. Infact, the extra physical work load in Covid times in the absence of maids has been managed perhaps due to the asans. My migraine attacks have reduced in frequency and intensity for which I sometimes have to take medicines, but far lesser than before.
I am striving towards complete cure, which I am sure will happen. One day I am determined to do Surya namaskar.
THYROID REDUCED from 4.69 in 2.8.2019 to 3.94 in July 2020
WEIGHT REDUCED from 66 kg to 60 kg in 1 year ( although not doing not of weight loss asans as of now)
Thanks to Ritu Malhotra, Founder Yogritu.