August 31, 2020
November 22, 2020

Suwarna Arora

I have been doing yoga wth ritu mam (YOGRITU)since 6mnths.( ONLINE CLASSES)…it’s the first time in my life that I have done yoga …I started doing it when I was 3 mnth pregnant but I must say I enjoyed every bit of it becoz of ritu mam…she is so focused for my PRENATAL YOGA yoga sessions…she always focused on wat differences I m feeling in every trimester and she used guide me according to my pain and body changes…becoz of her constant support and focused yoga sessions I could deliver my baby normally (best part of doing yoga is having normal delivery)also wth normal delivery I didn’t gain extra fat on my face and neck becoz ritu mam focused on facial exercises and jaw moments….I really recommend all pregnant girls to do yoga wth ritu mam for there smooth and healthy delivery
Thanks a lot mam for your constant support❤️❤️

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