July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020

Shalini Seth

“Yoga is about transcending the physical.”
Yoga is a way of life and when practiced gives all-round benefits.
Our busy and chaotic lives can lead to gastrointestinal issues, weakened immune systems, tension, as well as increased anxiety and depression.  Pranayama (Breathing Techniques) reduces stress levels and fight against anxiety to boost the immune system. Meditation is a part of yoga, which deals with mental relaxation and concentration. Being aware of breathing automatically controls the thought process and thus relaxes the mind completely.  Yoga as exercise includes different asanas, as in standing, stretching, reclining, balancing. Asanas provide both spiritual and physical benefits.  Yoga is oriented towards physical and physiological benefits. Yoga brings in positivity and Yogritu Guru in true sense has the spark within her to motivate you and to equip you with happiness, joy, fun, and laughter.

YogRitu Guru has played a major role in transforming my physical self and my mental self. YogRitu Guru has made me realize that this body is not mine to let go but it is my heaven. She has equipped me with a tool to take care of my body as well as my mental wellbeing.  Under her guidance, I have been able to perfect my asanas as she keeps a keen eye on your performance. She designs yoga asanas on one to one bases according to the need of your body.  Be it stomach related issues, knee pains, stiffness in the back or cervical pain, she has helped me get rid of all of them through the specific asanas Ritu plans. I’m really grateful to Yogritu Guru to have continued the classes even during lockdown through online sessions. Yoga under her has become fun, an addiction. Don’t want to miss it and don’t want to miss meeting her. I’m very happy with Yogritu Guru and wish her good luck and lots of love and happiness. May she always prosper and May her children have happy and healthy lives. 🙏🏻

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