November 22, 2020
October 10, 2021

Manya Puri

“Yoga doesn’t just control what’s going on the outside, but it also controls what’s going on the inside”

I am Manya Puri and I’m 17 years old and I joined yoga five months back.

Within just four to five months, yoga has helped me through every little problem of mine. Whether it is cough or body ache or anxiety or anything for that matter. From a very long time, I’ve had frequent shoulder and back aches, but yoga has helped in every possible way. Now, I’m happy to share that yoga has helped me improve not just my flexibility, but my posture as well. The frequency of my shoulder and back aches have reduced to minimal. I feel more active and look forward to do yoga every evening. Any of this wouldn’t have been possible without Ritu aunty, she’s been my mentor and my go to person this whole time. It’s because of her guidance that I look forward to doing yoga everyday. A super big thanks to Yogritu. I’m grateful for all of her guidance🤗❤

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