Vibhuti Sharma

Hi I am Vibhuti Sharma ,36, mother of two. I joined Yogritu exactly a year back and it was just after few months of joining, that I felt , how I missed doing yoga all these years.Still I feel I am not late. I had few issues, like constipation, hormonal issues and post pregnancy weight gain. And now Yogritu has helped me with these issues-leading to a healthy lifestyle. I have realised that yoga is far beyond curing any ailment, it is much bigger and is for overall mental and spiritual peace of mind. And I am thankful to Ritu mam to have introduced me to this wonderful way of life. The best thing about Ritu Mam is that she focuses individually on each person and tells asanas which are suitable for you. She understands all her students very well and guides them in the best way. I now propagate YogaSeHoga!! to everyone in my family and friend circle and recommend Yogritu to all .

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Niralee Shah
June 20, 2020
K.N. Raina
June 20, 2020